Financial control and management system
The basic accounting system to be used is a computerized system whereby the Peachtree accounting software is in use.
The accounting system of ODA is double entry on cash basis except as modified by the following: -
- Purchase of materials / supplies are held in the central stock account until they are transferred to the concerned accounts.
- Capital grants are recorded as income and expenditure in the income & expenditure accounts.
- The accounting records are centralized at the Head Office and each project operates by imp rest fund systems.
ODA’s Fund Sources are:-
- Communities' contribution in kind, labor and cash
- Members' contribution, and
- Local and international donors/partners and embassies
Furthermore, ODA has its own financial and administrative manuals to guide the wise use of its limited resources.
The financial manual establishes procedures for cash accounting, financial control and reporting system. External audit will be made annually and the financial accounts is planned to be computerized using Peach-tree accounting.