Alternative Basic Education

In Collaboration with Save the Children /USA and the Finland Embassy the following activities were successfully accomplished.

·19 ABE centers (7 with 4 classrooms and one multipurpose room and 2 with 4 classrooms, and other 10 with 2 classrooms, one store attached to office and toilet rooms) were established and became operational (7 in Yayya Gullelle & Debre Libanios each and 5 in Jidda districts).The Multi -Purpose Rooms at seven ABE centers are designed to serve as reading and pedagogical rooms where teaching aids are prepared so that learners can get quality education and promote students reading habits.

 ·        Until now, in the centers it was made possible to enroll lover 8000 children, and the participation rate of female children (about 47%) is quite encouraging.

 ·Up to end of December 2012, 19 ABE centers were handed over to Yayya Gullell, Debre Libanos and Jida WEOs in the presence of all concerned stakeholders, parents and graduating students and facilitators

·        Generally, the programme has been quite exemplary in the zone and various governmental and non-governmental official teams have visited the centers to share experience.


* Name of contact person:


Tel. 011-646-07-15

Mobile 0911-63-89-99

P.O.Box 32709, Addis Ababa

Email: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ODA2 @

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