Core Achivements

OVC Care and Support

·     Ensured lower secondary level education (9-10) by providing stationary materials, school uniform, registration fee and tutorial class for 954 OVC/383F.

·   Provided accommodation (boarding facility, food, medication as well as sanitation and cleaning materials) for 425 OVC/231F.

·      Provided psychosocial support for 954/383 OVC.

·  Provided practical skill trainings in the fields of wood work, metal work, tailoring and design as well as food preparation and catering for 446 OVC/177 F.

·    Empowered 231 extended families of the OVC and disadvantaged communities through practical skills training in the above - mentioned fields.

·   Provided awareness raising training on gender and life skill for about 240 OVC and community members.

· Reached around 10,000 community members through awareness raising, forum Theaters and panel discussion concerning HIV/AIDS, family planning and reproductive health.

Environmental Protection (Saving Natural Resources by Using Locally Appropriate technology)

· Provided awareness creation training for community about fuel saving stove and soil stabilized block

·  Provided 1 fuel saving stove apiece for 200 most vulnerable households.

·    Facilitated training for 26 community members in production of fuel saving stoves.

·  Provided moulds to the trained women for the production of fuel saving stoves

·     Facilitated training for 30 community members in soil stabilized block production.

·  Produced and handed over 15,000 soil stabilized block (SSB) for local school construction.

Prevention of child trafficking

·    Facilitated capacity building training for 101/12F police officers (CPU) on child trafficking.

·   Created counter-child trafficking committees (CTC) each consisting of 20 members  in Hawassa and  Soddo City Administrations as   well as facilitated awareness raising  training    on the prevention of child trafficking for 115/34F of them (CTC) .

· Facilitated training for 17/7F legal officers in convicting perpetuators of child trafficking.

·    Conducted two panel discussions for stakeholders on the prevention of child trafficking.

·    Built and equipped 1 temporary care shelter in   Hawassa City Administration Police Department and renovated another one in Wolayta Soddo meant for victims of trafficked children.

·  Facilitated training on psycho-social support for 61/20F Para-counselors.

· Rehabilitated successfully and reintegrated 647/369F victims of child trafficking so far.

·  Family based care for trafficked children with volunteer families promoted.

Livelihood promotion

·       Organize marginalized extended families for IGA

o   Availing initial seed money for  21 women  members of  IGA group

o   Support with materials for the IGA group

·       Provide vocational/ skill training for extended families

·       Promotion of  Self Help Group (SHG) approach:

o   A total of 27 SHGs organized  comprising  more than 533 women members

o   Weekly saving started and deposited at bank and internal loan given to SHG members.

o   Social issues are being discussed among SHG members like, abduction, FGM, rape,etc.

o   Training provided on the concept of SHG and small scale business skill for each members of SHG

o   Three Cluster Level Associations (CLA) established.

o   Other cross cutting issues and HTP oriented and discussed.

o   Integrated adult functional literacy (IFAL) being provided

Urban Horticulture:

· Training provided for target OVC and their guardians

·       Celebration of vegetable day

·       Demonstration site established for training

· House to house visit conducted  to identify household  potentials

·   Promotion of the technology to the house hold level 

·  Sheep for rearing provided to disadvantaged women for income generating activity (IGA)


* Name of contact person:


Tel. 011-646-07-15

Mobile 0911-63-89-99

P.O.Box 32709, Addis Ababa

Email: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ODA2 @

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